Book online
Golf ClubDiscount
Karolinka Golf Park PL 30 %
Park Golf Club Ostrava – Šilheřovice 20 %
Ropice Golf Resort 20 %
Silesia Golf Resort Kravaře 20 %
Valašský golfový klub – Rožnov p. Radhoštěm 30 %
Golf Club Austerlitz 20 % Mon-Thu
Golf Club Brno 20 %
New Course Čeladná 20 %
Greensgate Golf Club 50 % when staying in the resort
Búřov Golf Club 50 %
Golf Club Sedín SK 30 %
Golfový klub Borša SK 20 %
Royal Valley Golf Club SK 50 % when staying in the resort and 20 % for non-accommodated guests
GC Pardubice/Golf Resort Lázně Bohdaneč 20 %
Prague City Golf 100 % when staying in the resort
Golf Resort Telč 50 % when staying in the resort and 20 % for non-accommodated guests
Śląski Klub Golfowy PL 30 %
Red Oak Golf Club Nitra SK 50 %
Lázně Bohdaneč 50 %

Reciprocal discounts apply only to the 18-hole green fee.
Reciprocal discounts are not provided, combined or cumulated from special discount events, golf and stay packages.
Reciprocal discounts do not apply to events where the game fee is fixed (tournaments, HCP days, etc.)